Funny Prince Louis Home Alone Memes Flood Twitter

by Anchal Thakur

Funny Prince Louis Home Alone Memes: Prince Louis didn’t go to the Queen’s funeral on September 19, which has led to a lot of funny memes.

All of this started when a tweet went viral that said, “Would love to see a Home Alone-style movie about what would happen if Prince Louis was left alone at Buckingham Palace.” Absolute carnage I imagine.”

George and Charlotte, the older siblings of the mischievous 4-year-old, were at the service, but William and Kate’s youngest child was nowhere to be found.

People joke that he wasn’t allowed to go to the funeral because of the funny things he did at the Platinum Jubilee, but he was probably just too young.

During the celebrations in June, Louis made funny faces on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, which went viral on the internet.

As they watched the parade, the little prince stole the show with his cute behavior. He thumbed his nose, put his hands over his ears, and made a peace sign.

People are now making jokes on Twitter about what the cheeky guy was doing at home while the funeral was going on. They compare him to Kevin from the movie Home Alone, which came out in 1990.

Funny Prince Louis Home Alone Memes Flood Twitter

Funny Prince Louis Home Alone Memes

Prince Louis sitting at home watching the funeral

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